Thursday, May 5, 2016

DIY: Lip Gloss Edition

Too broke to get some new gloss? Can’t find that perfect shade at the store? Seems to me you’ve dug yourself a whole. Well, I’ve got some great news for you, you can just make your own lip gloss. I know I know, you’re probably thinking that usually these DIY projects never work, but trust me this one actually does. I did it a while ago and I find myself using my own lip gloss more than the one I bought. Its quick and easy and its guaranteed to be exactly what you want because then again you are the one making it.   

What will you need?
         1. Small container
         2. Vaseline
         3. Crayon(s)
         4. A small pot
         5. A small glass bowl
         6. Some water
         7. Kool-Aid (optional)

Step 1:

Take your favorite color crayon or crayons in order to make your perfect shade of lip gloss. Take the pot, fill it with some water and turn on the stove letting it come to a boil. Put the small glass bowl in the middle of the pot making sure the water level does't come above the rim. Drop the crayons into the glass bowl and wait for them to melt. I personally have no patience so instead of dropping the whole thing in, I shaved my crayon and only put in little flakes to make it quicker.

Step 2:

Once all the crayon is melted, turn off the burner and remove it from the heat. Take a glob of Vaseline and stir it into the melted crayon until the Vaseline turns the desired color you want. If you want your lip gloss to taste good when applied to your lips, this is when you should add the Kool-Aid. Take your desired flavor (I usually like pink or red so it won’t mess up the shade of my lip gloss but if you want to take a risk with a different flavor, be my guest) and sprinkle in a little bit. Mix everything together until it is all smoother.

Step 3:

Once everything is mixed together grab your small container. Now this container could be an empty lip gloss container or even an empty contact container. Whatever you want your lip gloss to be in grab it. Pour the melted crayon and Vaseline mix from the pot into the small container then set aside to cool. (for fast cooling place in refrigerator or freezer) After about an hour or so, your lip gloss should be cool and ready to use.

See I told you it’s easy peasy. The next time you can’t find your perfect shade just make it yourself. It’s fun, easy and cheap! For more fun ways on how to do things for yourself check out my friends blog, Broke is Not a Joke. Hope you enjoy!

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