For all you high school seniors out there, be sure to check out how to save a few dollars before heading to college.
You’re at the store picking up some
groceries. You get to the cash register but when you go to pay you find that
your card is declined. Oh great! You swipe again but those big red letters pop
up. That’s when you turn bright red and realize that there isn’t even enough
money in your bank account to buy the basic necessities. Embarrassed and
ashamed you softly tell the cashier that you no longer need any of it and you
run out of the store in hopes that no one could tell you were just another
college student trying to buy some milk. I hate to tell you this, but that my
friends is college life. College is all fun and games until you realize that
school has taken every last cent from you. Between tuition and room & board
costs there is hardly any money left over to buy groceries on a weekly basis. It’s
pathetic. But don’t fret, there is a way to save a little money in college
after all. Shocker, I know! Here are five easy money saving tips that every student
needs to know before jumping into freshmen year of college.
1. Buy your college essentials early
Heading into your senior year of
high school you know for the most part if college is for you are not. If it is,
then take advantage of the time to shop. Starting in August and September, stores
like Target and Bed Bath & Beyond put all their college dorm essentials on
clearance. This is when you should be going crazy! Prices drop to over 50% off.
It’s a steal! The year before my freshmen year I bought all my bedding at
Target for just $18. It’s pretty amazing the amount of money you can save by
just shopping early. Keep a look out and take advantage of the awesome prices on
your college dorm room décor while you can.
2. Buy Estate Sales
Don’t be the fool that buys
everything new for college. I have to tell you that whatever you buy for
college won’t last a lifetime so there is no need to buy brand new items at
full price. Instead of wasting your money buying brand new kitchen accessories
or other chairs and furniture for your dorm room or apartment, buy what you
need at estate or garage sales. These sales can have practically everything you
would ever need at a portion of the price. The great thing about estate sales
is that for the most part what you’ll find is in fairly good condition. Check
your local listings for estate sales near you to buy what you need instead of
wasting your money buying everything brand new.
3. Don’t buy from the bookstore
Please no, anywhere but the
bookstore! You wouldn’t believe the amount of people I know that waste so much
money every year buying their textbooks at the overpriced bookstore on campus.
Don’t do it! They will rob you and deprive you of all your happiness. Instead
of spending all you have at the bookstore search for the books online. Website
like Slugbooks and Campusbooks list all the prices available for your books on
every site out there. These sites even include possible coupons or free
shipping that you might not find elsewhere. Simply just type the ISBN number
into the search box and let your savings begin. Ca-ching!
4. Take advantage of your student ID
Believe it or not, your student ID
will be your best friend. Not only does it help you out around campus but your Id
can also save you so much money off campus.
There are so many stores and shops out there that give out student
discounts like candy. From shopping at your favorite clothing store to taking a
bus home for break, it’s easy to save by just flashing your student ID. If you
don’t know if a specific store has a discount, don’t be afraid to ask; it could
save you a bundle.
5. Set a budget
You’ve heard it before and you’ll
hear it again. Setting a budget is the single most important thing to saving
money. If you’re a spender set aside $20
a month to put towards fun extracurricular things like shopping or going to the
movies. You might think that $20 is really low but I’m telling you, you can get
through the month with only that. Instead of wasting your $20 budget on movies
or activities, take advantage of the free activities on campus. This way you
won’t run out of the $20 in the first week and might even make it through the
month without spending a single cent of it.
Spending money is very easy but
unless you want to be caught without food for a week, save while you still can.
If you catch your bank account dropping, just remember these five simple tips
that will help you save a little extra money in college.
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