Sunday, April 17, 2016

Thanks for all the Birthday Wishes!

A special thank you goes out to my  roommates that made my day very special.

I have some great roommates. Anyone would be lucky to live with them. Yesterday, was my big 20 and they sure did know how to celebrate.

I never usually want anything for my birthday. The reason being that most of the time I feel bad when someone gives me something but then when their birthday comes around I forget or get something last minute. So I kind of feel a little bad that they made my day so great when I know I can probably never live up to what they did for me.

The day started like any other Saturday morning. I woke up early, got a good start to my day, and worked out a little before they got up. It was such a beautiful day. After lounging around in the morning, my roommate and I decided to go to the mall in which we didn’t find much.  I mean unless you are looking for a blue lamb to throw around you, there wasn’t much of anything. But if you do want it, it was $15 at JC Penney's.

The day was just like any other day until we got home and I started making dinner. This is when my roommate comes in and says that thy are locking me in the kitchen. This so called ‘locking’ was essentially them just hanging a blanket up in the door frame to ‘stop’ me from going into the living room. After ‘locking’ me in the kitchen for almost two hours, I come out to find what they did to the place.

I come out to find purple, pink, and white streamers all over the living room. Hung from the ceiling the wall, my roommates sure did decorate. I was actually quite impressed with the décor. If the decorations weren’t already great, there in the living room I find my favorite people in the room. Somehow, still not sure how, my roommates managed to get my friends into the apartment without me hearing them open and close the door. I found out after the fact, that the one was just sitting on the couch for a good solid 40 minutes before I came out. Oops.

My day was great. I for sure did not think that my roommates would go to the trouble to throwing a little surprise for me, but they did. And thanks guys, it really meant a lot. Between the streamers, cake, and ice cream, you guys really did make my day a great one. I guess we’ll see what kind of surprise I can come up with for their birthdays. I only got a little over a month till the next one. Yikes!

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