Thursday, April 7, 2016

Taking a Well Deserving Night Off

After a long week of midterms and projects what’s not a better way to relax than treating yourself with a long hot bath with your favorite LUSH product.

I know that its pretty pathetic what I’m about to admit, but I hadn’t actually used a LUSH product before this instance. To make me sound even worse, I only just heard about them last year. Actually when I think about it, if it wasn’t for someone doing a presentation on the company in one of my classes, I probably still wouldn’t know who Lush is or what they sell.

I highly doubt any of you guys are like me, but just in case you too are out of the loop, here’s a small blurb about LUSH. LUSH is a beauty store that makes handmade cosmetics out of natural vegetarian ingredients. Its pretty cool. Everything they sell is freshly made by them. They invent their own products and fragrances. I don’t know why I think the way I do, but when I hear that Lush makes their products fresh I always think of the grocery store Fresh ‘n Easy that used to be by my house. Anyways, LUSH is pretty unique and everyone seems to love them.

For Christmas my friend bought me a bubble wand from LUSH and being the pathetic girl I am, I am just now getting around to using it. Of course when she gave it to me she had to tell me how to use it because I never know anything about anything but I used it and let me tell you, LUSH really knows how to make your night. Nothing can beat soaking in a long hot bath. Being surrounded by bubbles as I sat in the perfect pink water, it was hard not to enjoy myself.

Now prior to me using this bubble wand I had heard instances in which people had used LUSH bath products where the colorful water died their skin. A bit nervous I still went for it because needless to say I wanted a break from schoolwork and I wanted to see what all the fascination with LUSH was really all about. When I first came out of the tub I saw that I was a little pink. Trying not to freak out that I just died my own skin a shade of pink, I quickly thought, ‘hey maybe it’s just because I am hot’. Needless to say, the pink bath wand did not turn my skin color pink and I was just freaking out simply because that’s what I do best.

LUSH really was relaxing and if any of you guys haven’t already tried them out I suggest you do so. Now I used the bubble wand but as my friends tell me, the bath bombs are pretty bomb. Until I find myself at a LUSH store to try something else out, my bubble wand will have to suffice. It was nice to finally kick back in the tub, prop my computer up on the toilet and watch some good old Netflix for a change. Try it out! 

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